Wednesday, July 29, 2009

If the Shoe Fits...

K2's feet have grown so we spent a little bit of time going through her shoes to determine what won't fit for the fall. We got rid of 24 pairs of shoes, and kept 33. B's comment was "what 4 year old needs 57 pairs of shoes?" Truth is, I haven't even done my BTS shopping.

Yes, I've got a sickness. A well-documented sickness.


Tennille said...

Holy crap! S has like five pairs of shoes total that fit her. Five. I personally probably only have 10.

But they do look like very pretty shoes!

Sarah said...

I would say that the first step is recognizing you have a problem, but much beyond that I'm not sure you're willing to reform. And, let's face it, you'd probably hit the depression phase and deal with it by shopping. For more shoes. No? K2 is a lucky lucky girl.

The Ravsten's said...

Wow! Very impressive. Maybe you won't need any for BTS?! Who am I kidding. Best wishes with your shopping problem!

Anne said...

i am in shock---and a little jealous. look at all that girly fun!

Mama Bear said...

now what would be really fun would be to see a picture of all the shoes in YOUR closet!! HA HA!!

Melin said...

that is unreal.