Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Ode to a Friend

Someone I didn't know passed away this week (someone who was much too young to leave this world) and I have found my thoughts turned to his family, friends and all of those whose lives he touched and how they must be coping, and how glad they are that they had some time - even short - to be touched by him. And what I realized is that I am touched by many people all the time. And I would be loathe to find out that something happened and I didn't get the chance to tell them what I thought. So my goal is to take a moment to recognize those people who matter to me, and thank them for their presence in my life. Be patient, this may take a while - but eventually I'll get to everyone. I'm doing this so that my kids can learn to appreciate the people around them.

So the first honors go to my very dear friend J.M.L!! It was her birthday (yesterday) and this is my happy belated present. J - you are the yin to my yang and someone with whom I can almost always relate to on a seemingly endless supply of topics. You share my love of adventure, good fun, great conversation and ... oh, everything else. I love that we can share the good, bad and ugly with each other and I always find an endless amount of understanding and support. I admire your strength, beauty (both inside and out!), intelligence and wit. You are a kindred spirit. I hope you had/have a wonderful birthday and I wish I could be there to celebrate in person. Please move back soon. Actually, no please about it.

Sending lots of love your way -


Mama Bear said...

N - thanks for sharing that! I feel honored and I'm blushing and yep, even crying (just a little bit) My birthday was great - the warm wishs and love expressed made it even better!! Love ya!

Margo said...

Natalee, you are such a good friend. I don't think you realize how much you have impacted others. I think you are an amazing mother and your children are so blessed to have you as their example. love ya