In six years you can learn a lot. You can learn to:
* Walk, talk and feed yourself
* Tie your shoes
* Ride a bike
* Read everything in sight
* Push my buttons
* Tell a joke
* Tell a lie
* Navigate TiVo
* Pour your own bowl of cereal
* Make friends
* Make good choices
* Brush your teeth
* Write a thank you note
* Say a prayer
* Wrestle - and every once in a great while - best your dad
And some things you just were born knowing how to do:
* Charm and disarm
* Put together any kind of puzzle
* Scratch your eczema with unrelenting force
* Sleep, on command
* Argue
* Throw a ball with inexplicable strength
* Get over heartaches with split-second timing
* Melt my resolve
BTW - I've picked up a few things over these past six years as well:
* How to care for a newborn
* How to toddler-proof a house
* How to get most stains out of clothes
* How to laugh at "boy" humor
* How to live in the moment
* How to swallow fear
* How to love with purity and sincerity and with absolute, unconditional force

Love the post- very cute! I am so sorry to hear about Bryan's job but what a blessing that you've got a good one! You're such a fun mom-one fun thing a day. My kids are compaining that they're already bored and that they feel like slaves because they still have to do their chores in the summer. But with swimming lessons going now, things are looking up. Heather
That was wonderful.
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