Thursday, August 30, 2007

The Sweetest Words

So my dear sweet K2 climbed up in my lap this evening and, since B and K1 were off to run an errand together, I asked her what she wanted to do. Her reply? "I want to watch the news." Ah... sweet bliss. She is my child.

Speaking of K2, she (finally!) started preschool this week. I throw in the finally because she has been eagerly anticipating this grand event since even before K1 started preschool last year. When it comes to school, she was born ready. I did get a tad bit choked up as I got in the car and watched her hold her teachers hand into the school. But mostly I'm just proud of her. I'm proud that she has no reservations - that she didn't hesitate to introduce herself to her teachers, the other kids and half the parents too. I'm proud of her gregarious nature, and her anticipation that everyone will love her. I'm proud that she comes home afterwards and gives me the complete play-by-play of everything she experienced. And I'm proud of her for loving every aspect of the new experience.

And even though yesterday was one of those days when I seriously did not want to be a mother anymore, today was much better and I was able to be the kind of mommy I want to be. So thank goodness there are those days when you're almost as proud of yourself as you are of your children.


Anonymous said...


Tennille said...

I love her hat in the top picture!

It is great to have outgoing kids, isn't it? It makes me worry less about S because I know she adapts so well to every situation. :)


Melin said...

Can she give some of her K1 confidence to my 2 knuckleheads who I can barely get out of the house at times! She'll have so much fun playing and being there...what on earth will you be doing?