Saturday, September 22, 2007

Rush of Days

My September has gone so quickly I'm not entirely convinced someone didn't steal a few weeks from me. A brief synopsis and pictorial of our adventures this month:

K1 started PreK. I must emphasize here that he is in PRE-K, not PRESCHOOL. This distinction is very important to him. I am most proud of my kind natured little guy, who has been so very concerned with a little boy in his class who is suffering extreme separation anxiety and cries pretty much every day. The other day when I went to pick K1 up, he said "goodbye Ch..! I want to be your friend!" He's worried that the reason this little boy cries is because he doesn't think he has any friends.

We began the month with a much needed break and trip up to Steamboat Springs which, if you've never been, I highly recommend. So beautiful, so quaint, so relaxing. We joined the super fun L family for the weekend with what will hopefully become a tradition of spending 3-day holiday weekends together. While there we played on the Alpine Slide, the Hot Springs, and throughout the fun resort town. So nice to be together as a family with no distractions, so nice to have time with B. Ahhh, vacation. We need more of them.

My cousin came to visit for a few days, bringing her own adorable spitfire who, at 13 months, is an old pro at walking, running and making up her own mind. It was fun to have the second generation cousins together - we'll see what adventures they get to experience through the years.

Soccer season has started which is one of my favorite things to be a part of, and we are lucky enough this year to be on a team filled with friends. It makes the games that much more enjoyable. K1 really loves his soccer and K2 isn't so happy that she still has to wait another year before she is old enough. But, it looks like we'll be enrolling her in dance in the next couple of weeks, and she's so excited she's been practicing her twirling and dreaming up the perfect dance wardrobe.

Work has been a bit crazy for me this month - client drama and new product launch preparations and lots of writing. I did get to San Francisco to do some media training of corporate execs, which is one of my more favorite presentations to give. The execs were cool guys and it was fun to be a professional again. Plus the offices were right by my old ones and I loved being back in the city, smelling the Bay and listening to the street performers, stepping over the bums and feeling the cool winds whip around the buildings. I will always treasure the time I spent there.

So now we are headed into fall and I can't say I'm disappointed. I'm still not a huge fan of winter past December, but I've really grown to love fall and the transition into cooler weather. I love fall activities - pumpkin patches and halloween carnivals and scenic drives. Plus it leads up to my most favorite time of year - the holiday season - and there is nothing better than anticipation.


Melin said...

Stink Natalee could those two be ANY cuter. I love K2 she looks like a little imp and K1 is starting to turn into that little boy in school I had a crush on. What fun! Thanks for the post, I've been wondering where you've been.

Nataluscious said...

I use that word to describe K2 all the time - "imp" - and half the time I have to explain to people what it is. I wish I could think of a different word, but imp sums her up perfectly.

Thank you for the compliment to my kids - of course I think they are the cutest too, but coming from the mom of the J.Crew catalog, I take it as a great compliment! :)

Margo said...

I have to agree on how cute your kids are. I think they look a lot like you and your hubby. What do you think? I just love the blonde hair and they are always dressed so cute. What a fun picture of you guys going down the slides. love ya.

Nataluscious said...

Ah marjorie - thanks for saying so. K1 is the spitting image of B - literally. From the moment he was born and people who have only seen B once or twice still remark on it. If you look at pics of me when I was a baby, K2 looks exactly like me, though for some reason its not as obvious to people which I think is because she and K1 look so much alike. My parents are fond of saying we've cloned ourselves (as their attitude tends to mirror ours as well).