To my Angel Baby:
Today you turn 3, which seems a bit strange to me as I've been treating you as if you are 3 for probably the last year or so. Blame it on the fact that you are so incredibly verbal, and you do pretty much everything your older brother does. In fact, those rare times when you actually acted 2 surprised your dad and I so much, we thought you must have regressed :).
What a joy it is to parent you... three years ago I was just getting the opportunity to meet you. I had no idea of your incredible spunk, moxy and sense of humor. And oh, your determination. Sometimes I just wish I could distract you, or change your mind. But once you get an idea in your head you are very rarely persuaded.
You are the consummate girly-girl. You are dress up and lipstick and beautiful sparklies. You are frills and fairies and flowers. But with that girly side also comes one of the toughest attitudes I've ever seen. You don't let anything - or anyone - annoy you. You are opinion and confidence and righteous indignation.
You know that you are the smartest, and most beautiful, and most fun. And I love that you never question that. You have a sense of humor that belies your young age - and a real understanding of sarcasm and wit that keeps the rest of us in stitches (and K1 wondering what is so funny).
You are my Singing Bee. You sing constantly - changing words and lyrics to fit your mood and making up songs on the spot about anything and everything. You are a performer at heart, and have eagerly awaited the opportunity to enroll in dance for an entire year. I can't wait to see your first recital.
I often wonder how Heavenly Father could believe that I was worthy to be your mom, but I suppose its just because He realized how much I could learn and grow from your presence in my life. You are a blessing beyond measure, a continual source of love and light.
Happy Birthday my sweet Baby Girl. I anticipate many more wonderful adventures to come.
Love, Mommy

What a sweet thing to write to K2! I think you should print it out and save it for her to read later on--it's great!
This was very loving. You really need to make sure you save that for her to read some day down the road. It is amazing how fast they grow up and how blessed we are to have them in our lives. A happy day to you mom for raising such a wonderful girl. She is a tribute to you.
she is soo cute. I love her and all the great things you said about her. What a fun little girl.
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