Sunday, August 26, 2007

So You CAN Teach an Old Dog...

Grandpa D and Grandam B came to visit last weekend - much to the kids delight. They don't get to see them nearly often enough, but I love that it doesn't deter them from being SUPER excited that they are coming out. Of course it doesn't hurt that Grandma and Grandpa bring fabulous presents and take them to do wonderful things. I am so very grateful for the presence of Grandpa D and Grandma B in my children's lives, and in B's. They have been a powerful and rock solid influence for him, and they bring to my children unconditional love and grandparent-ly fun. Of course as a parent you want your kids lives to be filled with uncomplicated relationships and lots of love, and Grandpa D and Grandma B serve as B's extended family and provide those familial relationships to K-squared. B and I both are so very appreciative.

In other news, I put the kids in swim lessons this week. It's just for one week, with a woman from my church who teaches just the two of them during the lesson. It works out well because they get the one on one time. Unfortunately its the end of summer and a week is all we could fit in. At the beginning of next year I plan to get them in for two weeks straight to really solidify their swimming skills.

But the best news of all is... I LEARNED TO SWIM!!! ME. Me with the fear of water that (thankfully) has abated as I've gotten older. On the second day of the kids' lessons the teacher asked me what I was doing afterwards. Since the answer was 'not much' she said 'great. you're getting in the water today.' Ugh. This teacher has taught women with far greater fears than I though - women who couldn't even put their face in the water. I saw these same women going through the pool on a kickboard just a week later and figured she must be doing something right. I went into it ready to do whatever she asked me to do and - this is the part where I kid you not - I was swimming in 15 minutes!! Their teacher was laughing so hard - she said there must have been an inner swimmer in me just dying to get out.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not an Olympian (ha!) and I still have a lot of skills to learn, but the important thing is that when I'm in the water I actually know what to do. From there I can just build on those skills. Ridiculous I know to be 30 years old and not be able to swim, but I can't remember the last time I was so incredibly proud of myself. I feel that I overcame a fear and released a monkey on my back in a big way. I love that I didn't let my age stop me, or think that I missed my opportunity to develop a new skill. So yes, I'm blowing my own horn (toot! toot!) but it was such a euphoric feeling and it reminds me that - no matter what your age or stage in life - there is nothing more thrilling than trying something new and stepping out of those comfort zones we're so good at setting up all around ourselves. Next up for me... snowboarding! Winter's coming, it only seems right. :)


Melin said...

Good for you!! Way to overcome. Especially as we get older that can stand in your way but it didn't. I'm proud of you too, Toot, toot!

Anonymous said...

Way to GO! Maybe for Christmas I'll get you some goggles and a sexy swim cap!

Margo said...

I am so excited for you. What a huge accomplishment. This is a great thing to tell your kids when they do come to something in life that they are scared of. Think of all the fun swimming memories ahead. love ya.

Nataluscious said...

WooHoo!! THREE comments ;). This is a first for me, and I am relishing it. Glad the comment issues finally worked themselves out. Thanks girls!