Sunday, December 06, 2009

Vacation, part 2

OK, after we spent the first 3 days in Disney territory, we said goodbye to our generous hosts and headed down south to San Diego. This was B's first time in this city, and its a place he'd always wanted to visit. He loved it. After checking out the city a bit, we headed over to Coronado and the beach! Such a beautiful day.

We spent Thanksgiving at SeaWorld where the kids were enamored of the killer whale show (not Shamu. KILLER WHALE). I myself was a big fan of the 4-D Polar Express movie and a truly amazing roller coaster/water ride. We didn't buy the picture that they automatically snap on the way down, but K1 was in the front of the boat and had the BEST look of sheer anticipation and excitement on his face. It was awesome.

We ended the trip by heading to the Wild Animal Park where we rode in a super cool balloon that took you 400 feet in the air and had the best views of the park. If you've never been, its a beautiful place with some great animals including this: (a present for my BYU friends and one I won't even need to explain)

Here's the balloon, and the view:

It was a great trip, and a great way to kick off the holiday season. I am grateful for the opportunity we had to be together as a family, and create priceless memories. Now on to the business of soaking up the season!


Melin said...

Is it great or pathetic that I almost started crying with joy at seeing that animal?

Margo said...

Love all the pictures. I looks like you had so much fun. I am laughing pretty darn hard at that picture. I have tried to explain how funny our whole conversation was to my hubby, he still does not get it. I guess you had to be a college freshman and with some of the most hilarious people.

TripleM said...

'Nuff said! Who was supposed to wrangle and who was supposed to ride? I don't remember.

Nataluscious said...

If I recall correctly, the monkey was supposed to both wrangle and ride. We were expecting a lot of him.