Have you ever had one of those days where you just want your children to banish themselves to oh... I don't know... Outer Mongolia?
Have you ever had one of those days where you can feel your blood pressure rise exponentially while a dull pounding begins in your head and you feel your extremities start to shake out of sheer, utter frustration?
Have you ever had one of those days where you know everyone is turning to look at you speaking sharply to your kids but you just don't care because let them think whatever they want - give them 5 minutes with your child and see how they would react?
Have you ever had one of those days where you think you are but one small moment away from having your head literally (yes Sar, I said literally) spin off the top of your head yet your children are oblivious to it all and would rather continue their behaviors in absolute ignorant bliss of your reprimands?
Have you ever had one of those days where, in spite of all of the above, your children still ask you for everything under the sun and think you want them climbing and hanging all over you?
I'm having one of those days...
I have no idea what you're talking about.
Actually, that is an appropriately frustrated use of the word, so I grant you usage. I also grant you some peace and quiet, a backrub, and nachos.
I hope tomorrow is better. :)
What a day...I don't know what else to say. Except that I totally understand. Next time when it's a day you don't have to run them to any activities, please call me and they can come over and play for a while. All the kids would love that and you would too!
Good luck with today! Hope it's much better. Love ya.
I know EXACTLY what you mean, that was last week, but more than just one day! So sorry you didn't have a good one. Thankfully not every day is like that, or our children would be sold, well I know at least a certain little girl over here would be!
Oh, I hope today is better-- on those days I try telling the kids I am off duty. It never works but I try.
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