Monday, October 12, 2009

A Man on a Mission

Yesterday K1 bore his testimony in sacrament meeting for the first time. He had mentioned that he wanted to a few weeks ago, but I had forgotten all about it. Then when the Bishop turned the time over to the congregation, K1 left his seat and headed to the podium with a fierce determination. It warmed my heart and made me just a little misty-eyed to watch him grab the mike and share these words with all the confident conviction of a 6 year old:

"I know my testimony is true. I know my family loves me, and I love them. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen."

And that, my friends, about sums it up.

1 comment:

Melin said...

look at how he made a major turn around from the last post!
That is a heart warming moment that we have yet to have. My kids keep asking if they can have a Catholic Sunday where we stay home like all our neighbors.
Way to go K1!