Ummm... pardon me? Then he proceeds to tell me how swinging on the swings at the playground, and going down hill, and riding 'up and down' rides all have the same effect. I asked him where he heard that expression, and he said its just how he describes it.
I was biting the inside of my cheek, trying to consider how I might turn this into a teaching moment about appropriate language, when we drove down another hill. This time K2, in her sweet little princess voice said, "did that hill make your nuts nervous?"
The laughter shot out of my nose. Ah screw it, I'll have to teach appropriate language some other time.
hilarious! must be a boy thing. we took a trip to san fransisco when my brother was about k1's age and every time we went down one of the really steep streets he would say that it made his tee tee tingle. and, yes, tee tee was my mom's magical word for his anatomy.
Haha! I love it.
That is soooo funny - thanks for sharing it with the rest of us and NOT turing it into an appropriate teaching moment. Seriously, what would we do with out K's little life observations...1st - flamingos, now - hill causing sensation. Love Love Love that little boy!!
That's our K! My heart swells with Auntie pride :-)
Hahahahaha!!!!!!!!!! I would have said, "screw it" as well. This is too funny!!!
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