My last couple of blog posts have been a bit discouraging, which is not my normal state of mind. So I'm just writing to say that I'm happy. Life is good. I'm focusing on the positive again, I'm living with my left brain in charge instead of my right. Things are as they should be.
The sun is shining.
Spring is here, and summer is not far behind.
My kids make me laugh, all the time.
I enjoyed a wonderful general conference, and have been focused on Christ all week.
Easter is this Sunday.
I'm back at the gym, full force, after a week of laying low.
The basement is still (KNOCKONWOOD) dry.
B and I still have jobs.
We're healthy.
We owe just 10% (TEN PERCENT!!) of what we owed in taxes last year.
We finally had snow this year, which meant we got to take the kids sledding.
B has a four day weekend.
I have snickers eggs tucked away in the treat cabinet.
Life IS good.
Great post, Nat.
Since you posted about your basement, I keep checking mine, too. :)
You CRACK me up Tennille. That sounds exactly like something you would do ;). I hope you never have to think of such things.
the last one is the best. that, in and of itself, is a reason to walk around with a smile.
glad you're feeling better, friend.
Yeah! Great post. Glad you are optimistic.
I wish the sun was shining today! But at least we kicked butt at our Spin class this morning! :)
So I haven't checked blogs in a while and I am still in shock over your last post. I am so sorry you had to go through all of that, but I really can't think of many women I know who are stronger than you are. I admire you for your courage to find out what the Lord's will is for you and your family. You are amazing and I'm having one of those, "I can't believe she's one of my friends" moments. Heather
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