The weather has warmed up which has brought around the ... wait for it ... ICE CREAM TRUCK! A couple of days ago the kids heard the tell-tale calypso music and spotted the old beaten down, ramshackle of a truck going up and down the streets in our neighborhood.
They were so excited, but I told them no ice cream today so instead they ran outside and watched it come and go - just hearing the music and seeing the truck brought endless joy. They were so sweet about it, they didn't even complain that I wouldn't let them have any.
The next day - yesterday - dinner was about 10 minutes from being on the table and the kids came running downstairs to announce that the ice cream truck was back. This time I couldn't bear to say no. I told them we could get some ice cream but that they'd have to wait until after dinner to eat it. The jubilee was immeasurable. As I walked behind them on our way to the truck I couldn't help but reminisce about the excitement I used to feel at the sight of the ice cream truck.
Sure, its just ice cream that can be bought at any grocery store, but it seems to taste better when you buy it outside over the sounds of circus tunes. It signifies that kid-created time of year - summer - and somehow brings with it all the possibilities for fun, adventure and possibility that summertime promises. It's as innocent and pure as a lemonade stand or a barefoot bicycle ride or blowing bubbles. It's a rite of passage.
So after a fab dinner of green chile chicken enchiladas (a specialty of mine thankyouverymuch) the kids enjoyed their ice cream purchases with all the gusto one would expect. Of course, according to K-squared, they were gone too soon. But as B and I sat at the table listening to the oohs and aahs over their individual choices, and the gentle spring breeze came in from the open windows, I realized that this was one of those moments - like the kids with the ice cream - that I just wanted to freeze in time.
Thank heaven for the immortalization of a blog.

Will I ruin the beautiful and true picture you've created if I tell you I call the ice cream truck the Crack Mobile for Kids? They can't escape it. They NEED it.
I love the photo. btw
I get, unlike Melinda, still very nostalgic for the perfect-in-retrospect days of my childhood when I hear the ice cream truck. Ours came every day to the pool, and oh boy, we'd save up our quarters and dimes all the time for it.
Also, can I please have that chicken enchilada recipe? Thank you. :)
I would just like to point out here that inflation has hit the ice cream truck industry. No longer can you save up your quarters/dimes and expect a treat. I brought a 5-spot with me to the truck and had barely enough to get the kids each something. Thank goodness K2 picked the cheapest thing on the menu.
And sure Tennille - I'll email you the recipe.
I hear you about it being expensive! But I think i get even more excited about it than the kids do. Last time I ran down the street after it and my kids informed me that it was really embarrassing. I just really wanted ice cream. so now I just buy myself a 5 quart thing of ice cream and don't tell the kids about it. It's really sad how few days it takes me to finish that thing off! That is a great picture! Oh and could I get the recipe too/! Thanks- Heather
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