I've had pictures stored on my camera for a while now, pictures that deserve to be posted. Each has a story, as all pictures do.

Like K-squareds' first days of school. K1 started kindergarten this year - a milestone. A few days leading up to it I started to get a little sad. Not super sad, just the kind of sad that reminds you that you can't hold on to time and that things do, unwittingly, slip through your fingers. But here he is on his first day - gloriously handsome and anxious to begin a new chapter (even if I did mist up just a bit when the teacher came to get them all). I also added a picture of his adorable girlfriend. They were together in preschool, again in pre-K, and while "girlfriend" might be a strong word for the kindergarten set, we think she is pretty fabulous and even K1 has to agree.

And then it was K2's turn - she started Pre-K yesterday and that didn't make me nearly so sad because for some reason Pre-K isn't as life-changing as preschool and won't be so life-changing as kindergarten. Perhaps that seems incoherent, or perhaps its just something only another mother will understand. But she was beautiful and confident as she headed out, and only slightly wavered in her excitement when she discovered she would be at (gasp!) the exact same school she was at last year. Apparently she was prepared for bigger and better things. Slow down there, K2. You may be ready but me, not so much.

And lest I forget, K1 celebrated his 5th birthday at the end of June with a "You Oughta Be in Pictures"

theme, complete with red carpet, popcorn machine and oscar statuettes.

And finally, we spent the last days of summer enjoying family time, having adventures, playing at fun places, soaking in the sun and splashing in whatever water we could find. In other words, we lived.

Hey Natalee!
I'm sorry, I found you on Amy B's blog. Your kids are so cute! I hope Keegan is enjoying school. Take care, Becca
so cute, natalee! what a fun birthday party, too.
That party theme looks like it fits K squared perfectly. Especially K2. I love the pics of her with her glasses on. What a diva!!!!
What fun pictures. I love the birthday party idea. You are so fun. I sure love ya and can't wait to see you this fall.
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