Five reasons I'm glad you're 5:
1) We have fabulous conversations. Especially when you're in grown up mode, and talking like an adult. It's one of my favorite things.
2) There is so much you can do on your own, and we are in that small window of time where you actually are excited to help.
3) You tell me you love me all the time, you still want to hear lullabies at night (even though we both know I can't sing) and you're ALWAYS willing to cuddle and hug.
4) You are big enough to help your sister and smart enough not to act like you're helping her. We all know how independent she likes to be.
5) You get to start kindergarten this year. You've been waiting now for over two years, and I'm glad its finally nearly here so you can stop asking me! :)
Five reasons I'm sad you're 5:
1) You are TOO big! Even though you're still little :) you're the biggest kid I have. And despite all my pleas and begging, you insist on growing until you are as big as your dad. Boo.
2) You talk like a big, grown up regular kid now. No more "mad" for dad or "Hi Wubby Wubby!" for "Hi Mrs. Lovely" or "f***ingmingo" for "flamingo".
3) You five years older means I'm five years older. Ack.
4) You now have the vocabulary to accompany your emotions. Which means I get an earful whenever you're mad. I could do without that.
5) The older and bigger you get, the more boring boys clothes get. Don't worry though, you're still a hot little number - mommy sees to that!
5 things that make you, YOU:
1) Your whine. It's like your own personal calling card.
2) That physique. Not an ounce of fat anywhere - solid muscle. So muscular in fact, your veins pop out on your calves.
3) Those soulful baby blues. Such big eyes, to match your big heart.
4) Your utter adoration, hero-worship of your daddy.
5) Genuine gratitude for the smallest of things. What other kid gets truly giddy to open a present of socks?
5 things I wouldn't change nomatterwhat:
1) Your easy going nature. How quickly you get over things, how easy it is to distract you from a hurt, frustration or disappointment.
2) Your smile. It's perfect. Truly.
3) Your genius. I can't believe how quickly you figure things out. After five years, you STILL surprise me.
4) Your gregarious nature. So friendly, so accepting.
5) That you still let me baby you, whenever I feel like it.
5 nicknames (of about 60) that you answer to:
1) Noodle
2) Monster
3) Yeah-Yeah
4) Bugger
5) Bonehead
And 5 ways you've forever changed our lives:
1) The first boy in my family in THREE generations! Now that's something spectacular.
2) You've brought childlike joy to all the normal things. You can get excited about anything.
3) A Ready, Set, Go!! mentality. Nothing moves slow when you are around.
4) You taught me absolute, adoring, unconditional love. And somehow that love seeped in to every other area of my life.
5) You give us something to be happy about, every single day.

Our babies our going to Kindergarten. Where has the time gone. He is so cute. I think his super amazing personality is a tribute to you.
that was great. i love boys.
Awesome lists--happy birthday, K1!
I love the top 5 lists. I do miss f---ingmingo (made me so proud), but I'm glad Auntie Piss was soon changed to Auntie Pesh. K1 I hope you know how lucky you are to have a family that loves you so much. Happy Birthday Yeah-Yeah.
One of the sweetest tributes I've ever read - what a lucky little guy :) Hope the party goes well tomorrow....
our blog is: bruggemanbunch.blogspot.com
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