Wednesday, April 30, 2008

It's an Ill Wind...

I don't know why they call Chicago the Windy City. I think if we were to measure number of days, duration, and wind gusts we would give them a run for their money out here. I have a friend from Florida and she says back home, this is what they would call "hurricane force" winds. Apparently here, it's just another day.

In fairness, I don't remember it ever being this windy. But lately it's been non-stop. And sure, the temperature might *say* it's warm outside, but you walk out and are accosted by a non-stop barrage of wind and suddenly you're more miserable than if it was 30 degrees and at least still.

I've decided I'm not a fan of the wind. So there. Wind, wind go away. Can we please just have one full week of spring? PLEASE????

On a side note, K1 asked me today why I had a band-aid tattooed on my arm (I've got a birthmark that looks just like one). This was after he informed me I had been arrested the night before. In his dream. Apparently I broke in to somewhere with an alarm system, and according to K1 they took me "down to the station." After telling B, he said perhaps he should curb K1's watching of COPS. Great. Now I'm the white trash skank screaming at the po-po in my underwear trying to defend my crack-injecting, wife-beating spouse even though I'm the one who called him in. I wonder if K1's dream had a soundtrack running through it? "Bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gonna do..."


Mama Bear said...

" . . . what you gonna do when they come for you?" Thanks N, now that song is going to be stuck in my head ALL DAY long.

BTW - woke up this morning to snow mixed with rain which was mixed with hail. I'd trade you places but I have the same feelings toward hurricane force winds as you do.

Jessica said...

I remember despising the wind in NM. It doesn't matter what temp it is outside, it makes life miserable. Hope it goes away soon! I love the dream story!!!