Sunday, April 06, 2008


I'm a pretty feisty person, to say the least. I'm not one to back down from an altercation, in fact you'll usually find me front and center, willing to argue until everyone involved (except me of course) is exhausted.

I'm not sure if its a positive trait or a negative one, it probably depends on the situation. I like that your average stranger is usually taken aback by my willingness to engage, as I think the relatively benign, mom-of-two facade throws them off.

But yesterday I was faced with the meanest of means, and by that I was truly taken aback. B was working and my sister had come up and we enjoyed a nice picnic in the park and play time on a rare sunny spring day. Later, after the kids had napped and my sister had said goodbye, I told the kids I would take them for ice cream. We went to Baskin Robbins because they have the "pointy" cones, of which K-squared had requested.

The shop was crowded with no place to sit, so I got each of the kids a cone and one scoop in a cup for myself, and we headed outside. Unfortunately the wind had kicked in again and it was too cold to eat outside, so K2 suggested we head to the car. I had K1 stand by his door while I went to put K2 in her side. I'm holding my cup of ice cream, K2's cone, and trying to help her get buckled into her seat. In the process, the seatbelt gets dragged across the ice cream, and I'm working to clean that up.

As I do this, a car pulls up wanting to park in the space right next to me and having to *gasp* wait because I've got K2's door open while I'm putting her in. My back is to the car but they gun the engine in an effort to get me to move I guess. I look back at them, shut the door around me as I continue to help K2, and mutter about not being able to wait 5 seconds. The car pulls in, and out gets a girl and a guy out of the front seat, and a third girl with a 2-year old child on her hip from the back (I actually don't notice any of this at first, because I'm focused on K2). As the girl with the baby gets out and walks by me (with no trouble, I might add) she heaves a big heavy sigh and says "f***in fatass." WHAT?!?!?!?

I slam K2's door shut and said "What did you say to me?" at which point she said "You heard me." I walked up to her on the sidewalk and suggested she repeat it, to my face. She again said, "You're a f***in fatass." I looked her up and down and said "really? you're calling me fat? really?" and she replied yes. I then told her it was a fine way to talk around her baby, and as I stepped back off the sidewalk I told her she was a real winner. I got K2 in the car while this group headed into the shop, all the time looking at me and laughing. As I walked back around to my side of the car, I grabbed my brand new cup of ice cream, deliberately looked at them looking back at me, smiled and waved, then dumped by dark chocolate and peanut butter all over their car. The guy came running out as I drove away, and let me tell you, it felt good.

Then, I called B and proceeded to sob out the story to him. And this is the thing: these people were nothing but low-life scum. And truly, I don't use that description for many people. But trust me when I say it's an accurate use of the term. So why do I care what this uneducated woman, who was obviously showing off to her friends and must be an entirely miserable person if she's capable of such nastiness to strangers, thinks of me? It's because the fat-thing is my Achilles heel. Everyone has a weakness right? Something they are sensitive about? Well, that is mine. This woman could have insulted my intelligence, my looks, my place in this universe and it would have been water off a duck's back. But call me a fatass and she's got me sobbing for the rest of the afternoon.

I HATE this about myself. If there was one thing I could change it would be that. This overwhelming insecurity that rears its ugly head all too often and in the most inappropriate of times. And then some stranger comes along and is able to derail any confidence or self-esteem I might have. This is my problem, I get that. This woman has probably spent no more time giving me any thought (except of course, for having to scrub off the sticky, melty ice cream - haha). So why am I dignifying her disrespect and cruelty with anything more than slight annoyance? I don't know.

All I know is that I am 31 years old, I have a wonderful marriage and happy family. I have two beautiful children that I gave birth to, and I am capable of playing and running around with them and doing all the things I need/want my body to do. So when am I going to get over this stinking insecurity???? And how in the world am I going to keep all of this from K2??


Sarah said...

Oh how I wish I had been with you. We would have taken her OUT. If there's ever a next time, reply, "Ok, sure, I could lose a few pounds. But no matter how hard you try, you'll always be an idiot. Thank you for reminding me that some of us can improve ourselves and others are just stuck being pitiful."

Seriously, I don't know how you keep that from K2. You're doing a good job being her mom. And as you exhibit more confidence and show her all that a woman CAN be, she'll learn. And she'll learn that there are stupid people out there who can shake your confidence, but that it's important not to think on them any more. You, and she, are so much better than that. Much love.

Mama Bear said...

I agree so much with what your friend Sarah had to say, that I can think of nothing to add to it.

Just add me to the group (on your side, of course) and this girl would have walked away bawling her eyes out. I hate mean stupid hurtful people especially the ones that hurt my friends. So not cool!

You are beautiful! You are smart and so many things that this person will obviously never achieve in her life. And I am not worried at all about K becuase she knows what an awesome mom you are.

*Loves* and *hugs* coming at you for as long as you need it!

Anonymous said...

My sisterly pride swells as I imagine your sweet, innocent smile, friendly wave and very deliberate ice cream "transfer."

Margo said...

You are amazing. I really admire your courage for standing up against bullies. I love Sarahs comments. You are an incredible mother and have already provided K2with so much security. It is a struggle dealing with our own insecurities and protecting our daughters from them. It scares me how much Sydney is aware of how I see myself. You are amazing and K2 will grow up with such strength. Jarren was just telling me last night about a book he and his mom were talking about. I guess the premise says that not all therapy works becaus most people aren't ready to chose to be happy. That girl wants to be mad at the world and be the victim. You are a champion and chose to teach your children to be happy with life and all the punches that come your way. I love you.

Buschfest said...

Take no thought of swine!!!

I wouldn't worry about it. You could be a size 0 and she still would've said it...thus the nature of the female species.


Nataluscious said...

Thank you to everyone for your much needed comments of love and support. ;) I know all of this in my head, but your words helped drive it home to my heart.