My children are very in to secrets these days. It seems they've learned that information is power, and the witholding of information is absolute power. When you ask them what they learned in school they like to say "it's a secret." When you ask them what they did with daddy they like to say "it's a secret." When you ask them what game they are playing they like to say "it's a secret."

And, in honor of Valentine's I thought I should throw out a couple of other reasons I love my children. Yes, I'm just a typical mother which means I can't help but find my children amazing and wonderful, but these are some of the quirky things that make me happy on a regular basis:
* Both my kids, especially K1, are great healthy eaters. In fact, they generally eat their veggies before anything else on their plates. And they haven't met a piece of fruit they didn't love. K2 drinks milk like it's going out of style, and they both prefer milk, water or OJ over any kind of sugary drink. It's a great big sigh of relief for me knowing I don't have to fight them on this.
* They are great friends. Even though K2's pregnancy was unplanned, I can't imagine what K1 would do without her now. They are each other's best friends and constant playmates. They always want the other around when they are doing something fun. They make up fabulous games and act out surreal fairytales. Today they went "camping" using the old changing table piece that went with the pack and play as the "boat" and the arms of the pack and play that held the baby toys as the "tent" spikes, with a baby blanket over to make the tent. So cool!
* They are lovey-dovey cuddlers. K2 likes to tell me I'm her "best mommy" and K1 needs regular snuggles and cuddles throughout the day. They still fight over me on a regular basis, and each HAS to be held for a while after they wake up from their naps (thank heavens they wake up at different times!). They ask me on a regular basis if they are my "babies" and I induldge them in this bit of immaturity. I'll keep them my snuggle-babies as long as I can manage.
* They wear underwear on their heads. Willingly. In fact, it's their idea.

1 comment:
thats great. keep them babies as long as possible...
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