Friday, January 04, 2008

And so it begins...

...the New Year that is. It came around faster than I wanted. I kept trying to bargain with time to just slow down a bit so I could really relish in the season and not blaze through with everything on my to-do list. Apparently when it comes to time, I've got no bargaining power.

But even though it all took place in warp speed, it was still filled with wonder and joy and so many fabulous memories. We had a fantastic Christmas Eve, close to the way I remember it growing up, with lots of family and friends and chaos and laughter. The kids enjoyed somewhere between 4 and 5 major gift-opening events, which led them to believe that opening presents was the new world order. And B and I ended the holiday by telling ourselves that next year, we really need to cut back ;). We'll see how that goes.

The most exciting news of course was that we *FINALLY* got the basement finished and moved all of the toys and furniture down there in time for our New Year's Eve party. I am absolutely loving the extra space, as are the kids. Now they not only have room for all of their toys, but actually room to spread out and play with them. The old playroom is going to be my new office, while my old office will be the new exercise room. I spent quite a bit of the holiday time off going through and cleaning and organizing the house, so I'm feeling that purge-high that I live for.

K1 and K2 are ready to go back to school and dance (for K2). They still aren't the greatest with the concept of time, and they can't really figure out why they aren't going back to school. I've enjoyed not having to carpool each and every day, and they really have been so busy with all of their new toys I'm surprised they've noticed. K1's excema has been out of control - it's so severe it looks like he is covered in burns. I've been spending a great deal of my day lotioning his skin with everything from Aveeno and Eucerin, to his prescription creams, to neosporin, peroxide, this special soap my cousin found, some high-end serum my mom heard about, and even Crisco. If I had any science know-how I would probably just develop my own cream - I know exactly what it feels like - I can't imagine why someone hasn't figured out a remedy by now! Ugh. So if anyone has any new-fangled way to approach an age-old problem, let me know.

And so the New Year is shaping up to (hopefully) be much like the past year. I can't complain, life is good. We're safe, our needs are met, we have wonderful family and friends, and our home is a happy place. If we can just get a magic potion for K1's legs, I might venture to say that things are just as they should be.

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