Ugh! I am so woefully behind in posting anything to my blog. And the more behind I get, the more it seems too daunting to try and catch up. The truth of it is, I am suffering from writer's block. It's a malady that doesn't affect me often - words are my life. Writing for myself, writing for others, talking non-stop. I'm one of those people who is very rarely - if ever - speechless. It drives B batty sometimes, how I always have something to say immediately and he has to stop and gather his thoughts (you can appreciate his frustration when the discussion might be a bit heated and I'm rambling on and on, 20 steps ahead of where he wants to be).
Anyhow, for some reason when it comes to my personal thoughts I seem to be stunted. I can go on endlessly these days with my to-do lists and required tasks and must-get-dones. I guess all of those things are crowding out the part of my brain that might think of creative or interesting things to blog about. I feel a bit foggy.
But that doesn't change the fact that it is the holiday season - my most favorite time of year - and I don't want to overlook all that we are experiencing with K1 and K2.

And though it's later than it should be, I can't let the Thanksgiving holiday come and go without making mention of what it is I am thankful for this year:
1) A healthy, happy family. Sure stress will come and go, and there will always be something to worry about (especially when you're me!), but you can't put a price on healthy and happy. It's a blessing beyond measure.
2) My husband. He is grand. We have built a solid, honest and giving partnership together. It has taken work, and it has taken humility. He has provided both in abundance.
3) Prayer. And the scriptures. And tithing. And all the other ways the Lord asks us to contribute just a little, so He can return blessings in abundance.
4) My home. Just having one. A warm roof over my head and food on the table and clothes on our backs and enough for some fun extras from time to time.
5) Technology. Specifically the DVR and my Blackberry. Two little gadgets that make life a whole lot more fun and informative.
Yeah, yeah, yeah! A new post! I get what you mean about writer's block. I always feel like I've got nothing cool to say, especially when confronted with the awesomeness of other (Melin's) blogs.
P.S. I love the pic of K2. :)
Speechless? Even when speechless, there's always that you ARE speechless to talk about. Glad you waded through enough of the block to put that out. I've missed your stuff.
Welcome back...
Ya, I was wondering where you were. I love reading your thoughts.
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