It seems lately that we've been saying farewell to a lot of "baby" things and moving on to the next phase of our life. While I am not overly excited about my children growing up non-stop, I can't say I'm sad about leaving the baby stage behind.
Here is a list of just some of the things we no longer need (hallelujah!)
* bottles
* diapers
* high chairs
* bibs
* baby food
* binkies (a.k.a. pacifiers)
* pull ups (except on K2 at night, and I can live with that)
* cribs
* a diaper bag
* traveling with a pack-n-play
And, some of the things we've been able to embrace:
* toys for children "3 and over" (though K2 is still guilty of putting EVERYTHING in her mouth. But that's just her - that will never change)
* step stools
* booster seats in daddy's car
* athletic gear/dance gear
* getting dressed on one's own
* playing in the backyard while mom stays inside and works
* long, thoughtful conversations
* chapter books
And finally, some things are considered "baby" but we love them so much they've now become a staple in our lives:
* wipes - for anything and everything
* carrying snacks everywhere you go
* no-spill sippy cups
* snuggling
So what about you? What things are you glad to see go, what things are you sad to see go, and what things will you never let go?

ACK! That first picture is ADORABLE! I'm glad to see less laundry (less messes, no diapers, yippee!). I'm glad to UNDERSTAND them. I'm not sad for a lot of things. I'd like to say portable snacks are great because of them, but let's face it - I toted those around before them.
I look forward to the day when I can leave the house with out first checking to see if I have enough diapers, snacks, wipes and the ever present binkie to keep my wee one happy. Plus, what does it feel like to carry around a real grown up purse with only your things inside? I have forgotten. BTW - cutest Baby picture ever - seriously, were they really that tiny? plus, I love the grown up pictures. We miss you guys!
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